Energy Audit

Development of energy diagnoses and audits based on current regulations that allow identifying the processes and services with the highest energy consumption, as well as their potential for energy savings based on the technologies and alternatives available on the market.

Likewise, the company BEON offers decarbonization audits where, in addition to the energy audit, how to mitigate the impact of processes/services on CO2eq emissions is analyzed. and a decarbonization plan is defined in the short, medium and long term.

MMEE implementation

They allow the organization's energy consumption to be reduced, proposing savings measures that are technically and economically viable, thus contributing to a low-carbon economy and sustainable growth of the business fabric.

PMV according to IPMPV standard

Savings measurement and verification reports according to the IPMVP methodology (EVO World)

Energy Management System

Analysis and implementation of the most appropriate energy management system for the client according to their needs and current regulations. It consists of the study of the different commercial alternatives available on the market, and their implementation in the client.

This service also includes, at the client's request, the analysis and monitoring of energy consumption using the energy management system.


Preparation, processing and registration of the efficiency certificate or energy certificate (CEE) of the home, by an official registered technician.

This service includes the collection of information, analysis of home consumption, processing and registration of the energy certificate with the competent body.

Training and awareness plans

Organization and development of personalized energy training courses and plans for the company.

It also includes employee awareness and awareness plans, as well as a culture of energy sustainability within the company.
